medical administrator roles at St. Louis College of Health Careers

Traditionally, the role of a medical office administrator involved plenty of paperwork and manual record-keeping, along with managing appointments, billing and communicating with patients via phone calls and written correspondence. However, technological advancements in the healthcare industry have led to a significant evolution in these administrative roles.

Medical office administrators now rely on electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine tools and practice management software to streamline their work and improve patient care.

As with many other healthcare careers, the role of a medical office administrator continues to evolve. If you have a knack for multitasking in a busy office environment and can adapt quickly to the newest technologies, then a career as a medical office administrator could be a great fit for you.

How Is Technology Transforming Medical Administration?

Electronic Health Records

Medical office administrators are often tasked with inputting patient information into electronic health records. Electronic health records (EHRs) are digital versions of a patient’s medical record, containing information such as medical history, diagnoses, medications and lab results. Medical administrators play a crucial role in managing EHRs, as they are responsible for ensuring that patient information is accurate, up to date and secure.

Although inputting medical information into the system may be time-consuming, the use of EHRs ultimately makes it easier to access and manage patient records. Healthcare professionals like doctors and nurses can quickly retrieve patient information, track patient progress and have office assistants schedule appointments with greater accuracy and efficiency.


Medical administrators play a crucial role in facilitating telemedicine services in medical facilities. Telemedicine, which grew in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic and has become an important tool for healthcare providers in managing patient care, involves the use of technology to provide healthcare services remotely, such as video consultations with patients or remote monitoring of patient vital signs.

Medical administrators can help facilitate the use of telemedicine by coordinating with healthcare providers to set up telemedicine services, educating patients about how to use telemedicine technology, and ensuring that the necessary infrastructure and equipment are in place to support telemedicine consultations.

Practice Management Software

Practice management software is a digital tool that integrates various administrative functions, such as scheduling, billing, patient registration and inventory management into a single platform.

Medical administrators are frequently expected to use practice management software to schedule appointments and manage patient records more efficiently, reducing the risk of double booking or missed appointments. They can also use the software to generate reports and analyze data on patient demographics, billing and inventory management, which can help them make informed decisions about resource allocation and operational improvements.

Patient Portals

Patient portals are an important tool for improving patient engagement and empowering patients to take an active role in their healthcare.

Medical administrators can use patient portals to manage patient information and facilitate communication with patients. They can use the portals to update patient records, provide access to test results and medical records and send secure messages to patients. The portals also enable patients to request prescription refills, schedule appointments and complete pre-visit questionnaires, reducing the need for manual administrative tasks.

What Are Some Other Duties of a Medical Administrator That Don’t Involve Technology?

While technology has certainly transformed many aspects of healthcare administration, there are still many important duties that require human expertise and interpersonal skills. Examples of duties that require a human touch include:

  • Managing staff: Medical administrators are often responsible for managing staff, including hiring, training and evaluating employees. They must ensure that staff members are properly trained, motivated, and supported in their work.
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements: Medical administrators must stay up to date on laws, regulations and policies related to healthcare administration. They must ensure their organization follows laws and meets or exceeds the requirements established by industry standards. It’s often the responsibility of administrative staff to ensure all staff members are aware of and following applicable laws and regulations, which may require scheduling training or holding other staff members accountable for failures or violations.
  • Patient and community relations: Medical administrators are often the face of their organization and must establish and maintain positive relationships with patients, families and the community. They must ensure patients receive high-quality care and their organization is viewed as a trusted and valuable resource in the community.
  • Budgeting and financial management: Medical administrators are often responsible for developing and managing budgets for their department or organization. They must ensure resources are allocated efficiently and that financial goals are met.

Enroll in the Medical Office Administration Program at St. Louis College of Health Careers

If you’re interested in a rewarding career in healthcare administration, consider the Medical Office Administration Diploma program at St. Louis College of Health Careers.

Our comprehensive program will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in this growing field.

With experienced instructors, hands-on learning opportunities and a supportive community, the Medical Office Administration program at St. Louis College of Health Careers is the perfect choice if you’re ready to take the next step in your career.

To start your healthcare education, apply online or call us at 866-529-2070 to learn more.

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