teamwork in nursing

Every job and every field depends on teamwork at least to some extent – but for nursing, it’s a matter of substantial and grave importance. It isn’t just about fostering a good workplace environment (though that’s important). If medical professionals don’t work together successfully, sick people don’t get better – it’s as simple as that.


Positive patient outcomes are dependent on the strength of teamwork within a single unit as well as through interdisciplinary collaboration. Treatments may not be effective if medical professionals don’t work together to carry them out.


Moreover, studies have shown that good teamwork is a significant factor in job satisfaction. Although collaboration isn’t just about cultivating a positive workplace environment, that is a critical piece of the puzzle.


With the number of nurses having dramatically dropped after COVID-19, increasing retention and reducing turnover are of crucial importance to the field – and ineffective teamwork due to negative relationships with colleagues threatens that.


Many nursing programs provide ample opportunities for students to work together so they can learn how to collaborate effectively with others to enhance patient outcomes and contribute to a better work environment after graduation. That said, there’s only so much you can learn outside of hands-on training and trial-by-fire experience. The quickest way to learn teamwork and its importance is on the job, which is why reputable programs will balance real-life training with education.


Teamwork Tenets in Healthcare


  • Clear Communication: Communicate honestly, communicate often, communicate widely. Making a mistake and not telling anyone will make the situation significantly worse than if you own up to it so others can help you rectify it as soon as possible.


  • Clearly Defined Roles: Teamwork can become inefficient if people are confused as to what their and others’ exact responsibilities are. Establishing a clear delineation of duties and respective roles can clear up confusion and ensure the team is able to work seamlessly.


  • Respect: Being able to trust that your colleagues have your back and respecting their capabilities and training is critical to successful team building and work. Giving and receiving praise when things go well can go a long way in making nurses feel respected. This may sound obvious, but in the fast-paced work setting of healthcare, taking time to compliment others can be easy to forget.


  • Conflict Resolution: If arguments arise within the team or if patients instigate conflict, it can be valuable to have strategies to address these issues calmly, swiftly and thoroughly so problems are resolved constructively and with limited impact on future collaboration.


  • Unity: No matter what department or discipline you may be in, everyone you work with will have the shared goal of treating patients effectively. Fostering an environment of connection and support across an entire facility can help ensure healthcare professionals are able to work more effectively together to maximize the chances of improving patient outcomes.


How Does the Field of Nursing Teach Teamwork?


Almost every hour of every day nurses require teamwork. Whether you’re communicating with the doctor regarding a patient’s information or treatment progress, problem-solving across disciplines with other professionals, splitting responsibilities between your team depending on needs or training new nurses, communication is vital.


Soft skills like active communication, listening, negotiating and staying calm in high-pressure situations will be valued just as highly as your technical skills on the job. Having specialized expertise in IV therapy and wound care will be enhanced if you also have exceptional bedside manner and teamwork capabilities. Developing both will make you an esteemed team member and an attractive asset to employers looking to enhance their workplace’s culture with good people who are also good nurses.


Receive a Comprehensive Medical Education That Will Equip You With All the Skills You Need to Succeed


St. Louis College of Health Careers offers rigorous training for aspiring nurses and current nurses looking to advance their careers with an esteemed education that medical professionals and administrators recognize. Our nursing programs are designed to both challenge students and prepare them to hit the ground running after graduation and to also be flexible to their needs as real people.


Learn more about our programs and start your application today by calling 866-529-2070.

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